Saturday, June 2, 2012


     Her father went to work at the break of dawn. Her mother gave her food and went to the stream with a big bundle of washing. As soon as the mother left, her friend, who was a similar looking girl with dry-dirty-tangled hair, came in. She was wearing a misfit short frock, which was making her so self conscious that she was trying to pull it down again and again. Then one by one a couple of kids living in that slum also joined them.
-Come-on, let us play 'home-home'.
-I'll prepare a meal first. You go and collect some fuel. 
-And you clean this place. 
-Oh, not like this... light the fire first !
-I want this seat only. 
-Come, we two will go to wash the clothes. 
-No, all of you must come and sit here. Have your food first, only then can you go out. 
-I'll have my food in this plate only. 
-Oh, there is no more rice. So many people have come...its all eat first, I'll have my meal later. 
-"Are you playing the mother?" All were surprised. 

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हम मेज़ लगाना सीख गए!

 ये एक ज़रूरी बात थी। चाहे सरल शब्दों में हम इसे विज्ञापन कहें या प्रचार, लेकिन ये निहायत ज़रूरी था कि हम परोसना सीखें। एक कहावत है कि भोजन ...

Lokpriy ...